How often can OXY-TREAT treatments be applied?
There are no limitations on the frequency of cycles during the year. Furthermore, it is possible to apply another preparation of the same line after a specific OXY-TREAT treatment (eg. OXY-TREAT ANTI-AGE after OXY-TREAT FIRMNESS).
Can I combine other Labo face skincare products with OXY-TREAT treatments?
In order to obtain the best results, we suggest to use Oxy-Treat treatment in its full cycle (treatment + mainteneance cream). At the end of it, it is also possible to continue with other Labo day and night creams, according to your preferences and needs.
It is normal to notice different amounts of foam, application after application?
The preparation must be applied on the face as specified in the leaflet. Foaming is influenced by the amount of product used and by the cleaning of the skin. If make-up and impurities have not been well removed, little foam will form.